SNC Fiber

831.439.7873 | SANTA CRUZ

Kim Kobow: A Fiber customer

Kim Kobow: A Fiber customer

Kim started as a Surfnet broadband customer. Over the years, the existing broadband functioned well, but Surfnet’s new fiber internet started to pique Kim’s interest. After doing his due diligence, he decided to switch in the spring of 2023. Since the installation, Surfnet’s fiber service has exceeded his expectations.

The speed and reliability of this system have us totally spoiled,” said Kim. “Our area is known to be fogged in all day long with no effect on the fiber optic system and no deviation in speed no matter the time of day.”

Kim said he is much happier with fiber versus broadband, and he’d happily tell folks to make the switch. “My suggestion to anybody utilizing another mode of the internet is this: I do not think that there is a better program available other than Sufrnet fiber.” Kim boasted.


He relies on fiber internet for day-to-day communications with the community, friends, and family. This year, there was only one minor hiccup of interrupted service, lasting a couple of hours due to a power outage.


Kim praises Surfnet for its reliable service and for being a local company deeply rooted in the Monterey Bay area. Their commitment to customers and the community aligns with Kim’s values, especially in the context of the California Advanced Service Fund. He strongly believes in advancing the infrastructure of the state and the nation, seeing it as crucial for education, healthcare, and connectivity for all. Supporting smaller, homegrown operations like Surfnet that contribute to expanding fiber communication is a cause Kim wholeheartedly endorses. In his words, “It’s about sharing wisdom with all our brothers and sisters in the digital age.”

This article has been taken from Surfnet Communications.

Click here to read the full article of Kim Kobow.


By Aracelly Bibl 

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